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Gut bacteria turn sugars into alcohol

As a result of the tireless work of medical scientists, we are getting all the medicines to cure all kinds of complex diseases

The Dhaka Times Desk In our medical science, various types of medicines and various wonderful treatments have appeared. Along with that, the disease level and new diseases have increased. Medical science is trying hard to cure all these diseases.

গাট ব্যাকটেরিয়া পরিণত করে শর্করাকে অ্যালকোহলে 1

As a result of the tireless work of medical scientists, we are getting all the medicines to cure all kinds of complex diseases. By which we get rid of our sickness in a short time. Along with medicine, many people are aware of various new and old diseases and have the ability to fight them along with various advices and discussions. In the same way today we are going to discuss about a new disease causing bacteria. Gut bacteria also known as our gut bacteria. It is healthy for us in many cases but its health is not always the same.

Gut bacteria that exist in all of our bodies, but a recent study has revealed that these gut bacteria can seriously affect the lungs in our body. Gut bacteria have the ability to convert the sugars in our body into alcohol which can cause our lungs to be badly affected by gut bacteria.

The effects of gut bacteria can cause various problems in our body. Recently, a study has revealed that the bacterium Klebsiella pneumoniae increases alcohol in our body, even if someone does not drink alcohol, the level of alcohol in his body can increase. Increased levels of alcohol can be a serious cause of physical harm to our body. Due to this problem, a person's body begins to accumulate fat in the lungs, which is commonly known as non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. In this problem, the amount of fat in the lungs increases and gradually the lungs become encumbered with fat. Its severity is such that currently the number of its victims in the entire world is about 25 percent. This statistic is known from a recently ongoing 2019 study. Researchers fear that long-term cancer or lung cancer may develop from this problem.

There is no reason to panic if any of us are diagnosed with fatty liver disease. In such a situation, do not panic and take appropriate steps with the advice of researchers. If this problem is caught early, it can be fixed very quickly. It is not very difficult to get rid of this disease in the first stage but it is necessary to be careful and identify the problem very quickly and take proper treatment. I can easily get rid of Fatty Liver Disease through conscious movement and lifestyle management.

Again, through various experiments of researchers, it can be seen that only drinking alcohol will damage our lungs. In order to keep the lungs healthy, apart from avoiding alcohol, we need to be aware of gut bacteria and know about its dangers. Consult a doctor and be as vocal as possible about sugar intake. In addition to reducing sugar intake as much as possible, we should focus on other foods so that we do not have any physical risks. Learn about gut bacteria and keep yourself aware of its dangers. Consume carbohydrates as advised by the doctor and stay healthy.

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