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A soldier dared to catch a poisonous cobra with his bare hands! [video]

Not everyone is brave. But some are quite brave

The Dhaka Times Desk Not everyone is brave. But some are quite brave. As a soldier has shown such bravery. A soldier dared to catch a poisonous cobra with his bare hands! Sometimes such things surprise us. As did today's incident. Some such incidents come up in the net world every now and then and it goes viral in no time. This is exactly what happened in this case. Although this incident is a very small incident, it has gone viral in the net world.

খালি হাতে বিষাক্ত কোবরা ধরার সাহস দেখালেন এক সৈনিক! [ভিডিও] 1

Not everyone is brave. But some are quite brave. As a soldier has shown such bravery. A soldier dared to catch a poisonous cobra with his bare hands! Sometimes such things surprise us. As did today's incident. Some such incidents come up in the net world every now and then and it goes viral in no time. This is exactly what happened in this case. Although this incident is a very small incident, it has gone viral in the net world.

What we know about cobras is that one bite is enough to kill a human being. So most people will try to run away or stay away when they see this poisonous snake, that is a natural phenomenon. However, the way a Malaysian soldier caught the hooded king cobra with his bare hands has raised eyebrows among netizens. How brave that soldier?

The video of catching a snake with bare hands has gone viral on social media. In that video, it is seen that the soldier is standing with one hand extended in front of the hooded snake. His other hand is behind. In this way he placed his hand right on the head of the hooded snake. After that, the king cobra slowly lowered its hood. The soldier also lowered his hand immediately. After that, Kobran held his face with both hands. The venomous snake that raised the hood was overcome in an instant.

By watching the video you will understand the matter yourself i.e. the matter will be clear to you.

Watch the video

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