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AI will create 23 million job opportunities!

While millions of prospective workers are frustrated by the lack of employment, Artificial Intelligence or AI has expressed positive employment prospects.

The Dhaka Times Desk In this era of modernization and information technology, one after another wonders are being created and along with it the possibilities of employment are also increasing. AI will create 23 million job opportunities!

এআই সৃষ্টি করবে ২৩ লাখ চাকরীর সুযোগ! 1

While millions of prospective workers are frustrated by the lack of employment, Artificial Intelligence or AI has expressed positive prospects for employment. Artificial intelligence (AI) or the application of artificial intelligence has been discussed and highlighted by scientists for a long time about the various positive possibilities in the field of employment. According to various studies and experts, it is known that the application of artificial intelligence will create employment at a higher rate in the next year, and at the same time, there is a positive trend, which will make more employment possible for millions of aspirants in a very serious way.

Gartner claims that artificial intelligence will increase productivity at a significant rate. Many people have a perception that artificial intelligence will cause more and more working people to lose or lose their jobs. Their fears are not unwarranted, but Gartner points out that the more people this application puts out of work, the more people it creates in a short period of time.

In a 2018 report titled AI and the Future of Work, published and written by Gartner itself. It is highlighted that by 2020, 1.8 lakh people will lose their jobs and employment. But at the same time 23 lakh new jobs will be created which is an attempt to increase employment at a relatively high rate. All jobs lost or lost in this effort will vary across sectors, while health and education sectors will see increased job demand in 2019.

Job demand in 2019 will increase in public sector. However, it is known that the possibility of job loss in the manufacturing sector will increase. According to various researchers, people have both emotions and fears about artificial intelligence. Because common people think artificial intelligence will attract many big companies to this artificial intelligence. According to the researchers, artificial intelligence has helped the world's major industrial enterprises to increase their trajectory and the trajectory of their industries.
If our current era is called the father of the next industrial revolution, then AI is definitely working as a huge driving force of this era. In recent years, from the health sector, education sector to fashion, tourism, AI has taken steps and played a role in the transformation. Besides, according to experts, this will play a special role in the production sector, as a result of which production will increase at a very fast rate in all areas.

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