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Ice is melting between Saudi-Iran due to Imran Khan's role behind the scenes

Pakistan is ready to play the role of facilitator rather than mediator in resolving the differences between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

The Dhaka Times Desk Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has commented that Pakistan is ready to play the role of a facilitator rather than a mediator to resolve the differences between the two brotherly Muslim countries, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

নেপথ্যে ইমরান খানের ভূমিকার কারণে বরফ গলছে সৌদি-ইরানের মধ্যে 1

Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has commented that Pakistan is ready to play the role of a facilitator rather than a mediator to resolve the differences between the two brotherly Muslim countries, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

He made this proposal while attending a joint press conference with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on a one-day visit to Tehran on Sunday. Imran Khan said that in the past, Pakistan had made Saudi Arabia and Iran talk. His country Pakistan will help settle these two fraternal countries in Islamabad once again to resolve their differences.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan said that this issue is a complex issue. But it is possible to solve that crisis through discussion. Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said he wants Tehran and Riyadh to play a role as facilitators in this work, not as mediators.

He also said that there will never be a war between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Pakistan does not want any kind of conflict in this region.

'This visit to Iran and the visit I will make to Saudi Arabia next Tuesday; It is a Pakistan-led initiative. I will visit Saudi Arabia with a positive mindset and Pakistan will play the role of a facilitator.'

Pakistan is ready to hold a dialogue between Saudi Arabia and Iran in Islamabad, Imran Khan said. The Prime Minister of Pakistan also said, "When I was in New York, US President Donald Trump requested to help organize this dialogue and we will do everything we can." We will also support the lifting of sanctions on Iran and the signing of a nuclear deal.

In the press conference, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also said, "I told Prime Minister Imran Khan that Iran welcomes any kind of initiative by Pakistan for peace in the region." We also respect his visit to our country. The two leaders also discussed various issues, including the Yemen war and US sanctions on Iran, he said.

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