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Learn about the 5 scariest guns in the world

With the change of era, everything of people is changing. At one time there were no guns except the Three Not Three rifle

The Dhaka Times Desk With the change of era, everything of people is changing. At one time there were no guns except the Three Not Three rifle. And with modernity came new guns. Find out about the 5 scariest guns in the world today.

বিশ্বের ভয়ঙ্কর ৫টি বন্দুক সম্পর্কে জানুন 1XM29

With the change of era, everything of people is changing. At one time there were no guns except the Three Not Three rifle. And with modernity came new guns. Find out about the 5 scariest guns in the world today.

As the day goes by, the tension is increasing in the international community. Along with that, the military power of developed countries is also increasing. As a result, the powerful countries of the world, including the United States and Russia, are busy making terrible weapons one after another. One can shoot 16 lakh bullets, and one can shoot two targets at once! I will introduce you to 5 such guns today.

XM 29

The US military uses this XM29 assassin gun. It is also a semi-automatic smart grenade launcher. The specialty of this gun is that it can be aimed at two places at the same time. This gun pairs perfectly with any moving object.

Corner Shot

Corner shot

The creator of this corner shot gun is Lt. Col. Amos Golan of the Israel Defense Forces. With this corner shot gun, it is possible to attack a target hidden in the corner without facing it. This Corner Shot is a very useful gun to deal with incidents like terrorist attacks or hostage taking.

বিশ্বের ভয়ঙ্কর ৫টি বন্দুক সম্পর্কে জানুন 2Metal Storm Sentry guns

Metal Storm Sentry Song

This metal storm sentry gun fires 16 lakh rounds in one minute. This gun can rotate 360 degrees. This metal storm sentry gun can hit 24,000 targets at once.

Rail guns

rail song

This rail gun can be operated by using electromagnetic pulses. This rail gun gun is capable of hitting targets at a distance of 160 km at a speed of 2.4 km per second. This rail gun gun is used by the US Navy.

বিশ্বের ভয়ঙ্কর ৫টি বন্দুক সম্পর্কে জানুন 3XM25

XM 25

The XM25 gun is actually a lightweight grenade launcher. It has the capacity to fire 25 grenades at a time. This XM 25 is capable of hitting targets at a distance of 600 meters.

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