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40 army-police members kidnapped in Rakhine, Myanmar

Two weeks ago, suspected insurgents attacked a team bus in Rakhine and kidnapped more than a dozen fire service personnel and civilians.

The Dhaka Times Desk 40 members of the army and police have been kidnapped in Myanmar's Rakhine. According to media reports, the country's ethnic Rakhine Buddhist rebels did such an act. The abduction is said to have been organized by attacking a patrol boat.

মিয়ানমারের রাখাইনে সেনা-পুলিশের ৪০ সদস্য অপহরণ 1

40 members of the army and police have been kidnapped in Myanmar's Rakhine. According to media reports, the country's ethnic Rakhine Buddhist rebels did such an act. The abduction is said to have been organized by attacking a patrol boat.

Two weeks ago, suspected insurgents attacked a team bus in Rakhine and kidnapped more than a dozen fire service personnel and civilians. Abductions of the country's army and policemen took place soon after the attack.

The Myanmar army claimed that these members of the security forces were abducted last Saturday. This incident has created a new tension in the western state of Myanmar.

According to a news report, the Myanmar army has deployed thousands of soldiers immediately after the incident. Their goal is to destroy the base of the insurgent groups in Rakhine. Ethnic Rakhine Buddhist insurgents have long battled law enforcement to demand greater autonomy for the state.

Last Friday, a remote-controlled mine explosion occurred in a convoy of the Border Guard Police (BGP) in Buthidong, Rakhine. Two policemen died.

In this regard, the spokesman of the Myanmar army, Jai Min Tun, said that the insurgents fired from the river bank at the police and army personnel on duty in boats in the northern part of Rakhine's capital Sitt on Saturday morning. More than 10 members of the army, 30 policemen and two more staff of the prison department were staying in the boat. Then the rebels kidnapped 40 people.

According to media reports, an army helicopter operation has been launched to identify the location of the rebels. Large rebel bases have already been identified around the riverside area. The Arakan Army was not available for comment on the incident, media reports said.

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