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Scientists found a wonderful creature!

Discoverers named this mysterious creature 'Blob'

The Dhaka Times Desk Now scientists have given information about a wonderful organism! This organism looks like a fungus but behaves, moves and behaves like an animal!

বিস্ময়কর এক জীবের সন্ধান দিলেন বিজ্ঞানীরা! 1

Now scientists have given information about a wonderful organism! This organism looks like a fungus but behaves, moves and behaves like an animal!

Scientists are puzzled by this newly discovered organism. But they are also sure that it is not a plant. Outwardly it is mushroom, inwardly animal-like. That's why the discoverers named this mysterious organism 'Blob'.

According to media reports, the zoo authorities of Paris have recently revealed this mysterious creature. This single-celled organism has no 'brain', no eyes, no mouth, and not even a stomach. However, the existence of something is sensed, and this organism also gets hungry. In long observations, scientists have found that blobs are never wrong in identifying food. Not only do you know the food, but also digest the food!

The surprise does not end here! This strange creature has no legs and no wings, yet it moves on its own. Even if it is cut into two pieces, this organism will return to its previous state in just 2 minutes. Scientists are surprised to see about 720 types of sex in the blob!

David Bruno, director of the Paris Museum of Natural History, told the media that the creature could be described as a 'mystery of nature'. Blobs don't have brains, he says, but these creatures have an uncanny ability to learn. What one learns, conveys the message to others!

David Bruno also said, "We are 100% sure that it is not actually a plant." But whether it is a fungus or an animal has not been confirmed so far.

According to media reports, the single-celled organism was named the Blob after the alien 'The Blob' in the 1958 science-fiction horror B-movie starring a young Steve McQueen. According to media reports, this strange creature is being displayed to the public at the Paris Zoological Park since October 19.

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