Some exceptional and essential features in Gmail

The Dhaka Times Desk Google recently added some new features to the Gmail platform. Through these you will get some exceptional and essential benefits.

Most people use Gmail regularly. But many of them do not know anything about these benefits. Some new features have been added to Gmail, such as - you can give a specific time limit to the mail you send. This will automatically delete the mail after that time. Many more such facilities are currently available in Gmail. Some of those benefits are:

Retrieve sent mail

We often send draft mail by mistake. Or the mail may go away due to accidental pressure. A workaround for such issues has been added. After sending a mail by mistake, you will get maximum 30 seconds uptime to correct that mistake. Meanwhile click on 'Undo' option. In this, your sent mail will be deleted from recipient's inbox and will be deposited again in your inbox. This option called 'Undo Send' can be found in the settings tab of Gmail.

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How to delete mail automatically

Google brought the feature to Gmail last year. With the help of this feature, customers can set a time when sending emails. The mail will be deleted automatically after the specified time. After the time expires, no recipient can access the mail even if they want to. This feature can be found while composing an email by going to the option marked Lock at the bottom.

It is also possible to determine when the mail will reach the recipient

You do different mails for your work needs. However, it will be possible to determine the time when it will reach the customer. In this case, you will see an arrow next to the send option while sending the e-mail. By clicking there, the time of the e-mail can be set.

About adding SMS passcode to mail

Additional security can be added to mail through SMS passcode. This feature can be found by going to the option marked lock or lock at the bottom while composing the mail. Due to its use, mail can never be opened without the passcode sent to SMS.

How to use email offline

Nowadays it is possible to use email even offline. Although its main work is done online. However, if offline mode is provided in Gmail, a user can access the mail even if he is not on the Internet and can compose and save the email. The offline mode option can be found by going to Gmail's settings option.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ৪, ২০১৯ 10:54 am

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