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Real guns can be made with 3-D printers

The Dhaka Times Desk 3-D printers have recently sparked quite a discussion. It is said to be able to create almost everything from different foods, artificial organs, small appliances. A real gun has been created using 3-D printer technology.


3-D printer The firearm manufactured by the has also been successfully fired. In America, a controversial group from Texas called 'Defense Distributed' has developed this innovative firearm. They demonstrated its effectiveness by shooting. Interestingly, the gun is made of plastic. It is white in color and small in size. Many may mistake it for a toy at first glance.

The manufacturer buys a 3D printer from online retailer Ebay for just $8,000. Using the printer, they were able to make this firearm with the parts they had made.

Interestingly, the gun is made of plastic so the firearm will not be detected by metal detectors. It can also be skipped in the search. Cody Wilson, head of Defense Distributed and a law student at the University of Texas, said: "Now they want to spread this gun technology over the Internet." Most countries except the US make it illegal to own a firearm. With this new technology, firearms will be within your reach. Security concerns worry about online dating and the proliferation of 3-D printers.

See details in the video-

Several questions are being raised about whether this novel approach to easy access to guns will fuel another untoward incident. But Cody Wilson said the gun is being made with people's personal freedom in mind.

References: BBC

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