The Dhaka Times
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Bholar Raju invented fuelless motorcycle!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bholar Raju has invented a motorcycle without fuel. This motorcycle is 100% eco-friendly without any kind of oil and gas and no smoke.

Energy Profit Motorcycle

Bengali youth Raju has hit the shelves by inventing a fuel-free motorcycle. This young man Raju of Bhola proved such an innovation with his own efforts. Raju invented fuelless motorcycle. Raju invented the motorcycle with his own technology. Which will run completely environmentally friendly without any kind of oil and gas and without smoke. And to drive this motorcycle will cost only 12 taka per 150 km. After 2 years of efforts, Raju invented the battery powered motorcycle. Mir Ibrahim Hossain Raju, son of deceased Mir Anwar Hossain, motor mechanic of Ukil Para, Bhola Sadar Upazila.

Raju's interest is created by coming and going to his father's motor garage in between reading and listening. His father died when he was finally passing secondary school and was a vocational student. The responsibility of the garage rests on its own shoulders. Forced to run the family, he dropped the pen and took up iron tools. A life struggle of Kishore Raju begins. After working in the garage, he started making fuelless motorcycles. Once he reached his goal.

Raju said, 'From 2012, we started making oil-free motorcycles. After 2 years of continuous sadhana I was able to make it perfectly. The long research cost him about one and a half lakh rupees. But currently it costs 85 thousand taka and takes only 15 days to make it. 4 12 volt batteries and power control box are used to run the engine of the motorcycle. And it takes 3 hours to charge the battery.

He expressed the hope that if any organization or government comes forward for the commercial production of this motorcycle made of plastic, battery, iron and aluminum, it will be possible to export the eco-friendly motorcycle in addition to reducing the fuel consumption of the country. He thinks that this motorcycle of his can bring a special success in the communication system of the country.

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