The Dhaka Times
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Google is making cancer and heart attack detection technology!

The Dhaka Times Desk Google is now going to make cancer and heart attack detection technology. Through this technology, deadly cancer and heart attack can be detected easily.

cancer heart attack & Google technology

With the advent of modern age, diseases are also increasing with people. In the past people did not see so many diseases. But as the day goes by, its propensity is increasing. In such a situation, Google is going to use various combinations of technology in human services. Cancer and heart attack information can be known in advance in wearable technology products, that is, before it is affected, Google is working on a device that will be able to detect deadly cancer and heart attack.

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Life science researchers at Google's X Lab told the media that they have started research on a topic that can easily show results in wearable technology by analyzing nanoparticles that cause complications in blood. News from AFP.

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Last Tuesday, Google gave information about this new project. Google researchers say that their research is still in its early stages. But they also got promising results in several tests. Researchers believe that if the deadly disease is detected earlier, it will be very convenient for treatment.

According to Google researchers, a set of specially prepared 'nanoparticles' should be consumed in the form of pills. It will be able to gather information from specific cancer cells in the blood. Google researchers believe that if their technology is successful, doctors will benefit from disease detection. Institutions that want to use this technology for medical purposes will only need to obtain a license.

Common people also think that Google's health technology will play a special role in human civilization. Especially when the world is worried about diseases like cancer and heart attacks, this technology is making people of the world want to conquer new diseases.

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