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The pilot used to get on the plane regularly!

The fake pilot was arrested from the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, the capital of India

The Dhaka Times Desk A man who regularly boarded planes dressed as a pilot to avoid standing in long airport lines and being harassed by security personnel. But this time he had to be caught!

পাইলট সেজে নিয়মিত বিমানে উঠতেন যিনি! 1

A man who regularly boarded planes dressed as a pilot to avoid standing in long airport lines and being harassed by security personnel. But this time he had to be caught! He did this legal task not once or twice but many times and was successful. But recently he was arrested while boarding the plane again as a pilot.

According to the reports of the Indian media, the fake pilot was arrested from the Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi, the capital of India, on Monday. He was arrested by the law and order forces for allegedly boarding the plane as a Lufthansa pilot.

Lufthansa's chief security officer spotted a suspicious passenger in a captain's uniform and immediately alerted airport security. Then the CISF personnel in charge of security at the airport arrested the 48-year-old Rajan Mahbubani from in front of the main gate and handed him over to the Delhi Police.

A senior CISF official told media that the arrested person is a resident of Delhi's Basantkunj area. A fake Lufthansa pilot's identity card was seized from him. He was trying to avail various facilities at the airport using the identity card.

During interrogation, the arrested fake pilot told the police that he used to shoot YouTube videos on aviation. He has a fake Lufthansa ID, which he collects from Bangkok. He has traveled by plane 15 times before with that identity card.

He also told the police that he likes to dress up as a professional, not just a pilot, by wearing the uniform of various professions. Several 'TikTok' videos were even found from his mobile phone regarding the incident.

The videos seized from the mobile phone also include videos and pictures of Rajan Mahbubani dressed as an army colonel. The person told the police that it is easier to move around in the pilot seat, so the pilot used that power to change his seat on the plane and take other special privileges regularly.

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