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Two of Michelangelo's famous works of art

Even after 450 years of his death, the legendary artist Michelangelo and his works of art are still fascinating us.

The Dhaka Times Desk Michelangelo Buonarroti is one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance period. There is no doubt that his works had a tremendous influence on the development of Italian and Western art.

শিল্পগুরু মাইকেলেঞ্জেলোর বিখ্যাত দুটি শিল্পকর্ম 1

Even after 450 years of his death, this legendary artist, Michelangelo, and his works of art continue to intrigue us. He was also a sculptor, painter, architect and poet. But he was more popular as a sculptor and painter. That is why Michelangelo is considered to be the greatest sculptor of all time. Some of Michelangelo's famous works of art include: Bacchus, Madonna of the Steps, Doni Tondo, Tadeo Tondo, Madonna and Child, Crucifixion of St. Peter, Moses etc. Those that move people around the world. Two of these artworks are being highlighted today. Let's see today two famous works of this great and famous artist Michelangelo.


Michelangelo's most famous and popular work of art is the sculpture of David. The sculpture is approximately 5.17 meters (17.0 ft) tall. It is actually a male nude statue made of marble. This statue represents the biblical hero David. Michelangelo's statue of David was unlike any other. Where most artists and sculptors depict David triumphant after his battle with Goliath, Michelangelo depicts David in a worried and wary posture before going into battle. Michelangelo David started working on this statue when he was only 26 years old! And this work takes about 3 years to complete. Looking at this work by Michelangelo, it is hard to believe that he actually carved it out of stone.

David was originally placed in the Piazza della Signoria, but the statue is now in the Galleria dell'Accademia (Accademia Gallery) in Florence, right in the center under a small dome.

The Last Judgment

The Last Judgment is the second most famous work of Michelangelo. It is a fresco (an image painted with water-based powder paint on a freshly plastered wet wall or ceiling). It is said to be one of the most influential works of art by Michelangelo and the Western world. This fresco is also located in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City. But instead of the ceiling there is an altar or a wall (altar). Also depicted here are 300 characters of Jesus Christ from the cosmology of the Old Testament. This fresco was painted by Michelangelo covering about 5,000 square feet of the Sistine Chapel.

শিল্পগুরু মাইকেলেঞ্জেলোর বিখ্যাত দুটি শিল্পকর্ম 2

This fresco depicts God's final reckoning. In which the resurrection of Jesus Christ is basically shown. He is standing right in the middle of the fresco. Around him are more prominent followers of Jesus. Below are also scenes of the resurrection of the dead and the sending of sinners to hell. However, the Council of Trent in 1564 condemned The Last Judgment fresco for its nudity, and the painter and sculptor Daniele de Volterra repainted some of the lewd scenes.

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