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YouTube's new policy may close many channels

If the content is not suitable for monetization, then the YouTube authorities can close the entire channel

The Dhaka Times Desk YouTube is going to make new rules for content creators. That said, if the content is not useful for money, then the YouTube authorities can close the entire channel.

ইউটিউবের নতুন নীতিতে বন্ধ হতে পারে অনেক চ্যানেল 1

YouTube is going to make new rules for content creators. That said, if the content is not useful for money, then the YouTube authorities can close the entire channel.

However, due to this policy, as many bhuiphode channels will be closed, it is believed that many good channels may also fall on the brink of closure. However, this new policy will be effective on December 10.

It is known that by adding new conditions to the 'Account Suspension and Termination' section, YouTube said that if the content of the channel is not considered commercially profitable, the YouTube authorities can partially or completely close the YouTube or Google account. Notifications about this new policy have also started showing from last week. YouTube has sent out an email stating that their new policy is transparent and straightforward.

Analysts believe that YouTube's new policy means that if they can monetize user content, they will give importance to the content creator, otherwise they will close the channel.

Aware of the new policy, tech website Mashable said that the terms of account termination are not clear to YouTubers and users. They are still in the dark about whether this rule will apply only to content creators or to all YouTube account holders.

Although this is not the first time that YouTube has changed its policy, there have been policy changes in the past. YouTube changed the monetization policy in 2018. At that time there were strict rules for making money from YouTube. This blocked many content creators from making money. This time too, the content creators have fallen into that fear.

Many people on social media said that YouTube authorities have taken money into consideration, but it would have been better to focus on quality. By doing that, the society would have benefited more and this medium could have survived for a long time among people.

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