The Dhaka Times
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A woman tries to steal fancy after 9 jeans! [video]

You will understand by watching the video

The Dhaka Times Desk Many methods of stealing have been invented long ago. But such a novel theft was never heard of before. Now heard and seen in a novel way to steal pants! You will understand by watching the video. This is actually the case. A woman managed to escape from the store with 8 jeans without paying the price. One over the other like this, the woman wore a total of 9 jeans.

৯টি জিন্স পরে অভিনব চুরির চেষ্টা এক নারীর! [ভিডিও] 1

Many methods of stealing have been invented long ago. But such a novel theft was never heard of before. Now heard and seen in a novel way to steal pants! You will understand by watching the video. This is actually the case. A woman managed to escape from the store with 8 jeans without paying the price. One over the other like this, the woman wore a total of 9 jeans.

Now imagine this incident happened recently in Venezuela. However, the woman's name was not revealed in the news published in the country's media. However, a video of the incident has been released on digital media. The video was posted on YouTube on November 20. So far it has been viewed more than 1 lakh 70 thousand times.

According to a report in the media, after going to the trial room, the woman kept wearing more jeans on top of her jeans. He took a total of 8 jeans from the store. One time he was leaving the shop without paying. However, a security guard at the gate is very suspicious. Women security personnel were summoned.

The accused woman was then taken to the wash room by security personnel. There he was asked to remove his jeans. This whole incident was caught on camera. It appears that the woman is opening a total of 8 jeans one after the other! The women security personnel present were shocked to see such an incident. When they informed the authorities, they started questioning the woman. Although initially denied, the woman finally admitted the theft. The shop authorities were surprised at such an incident and later handed him over to the police.

Watch the video

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