The Dhaka Times Desk Actor Roshan started his career with modeling. Then in 2016, he started his career in Dhakai films by acting in the movie 'Rakta'. Then he acted in the movie 'Dhyateriki', 'Cockpit' and got great appreciation from the audience. He has started shooting for another movie. Roshan has paired up with a new actress. The name of the movie is 'Ustad'. In this movie, she will be acted opposite by the debutant Ulm Haque.
Actor Roshan started his career with modeling. Then in 2016, he started his career in Dhakai films by acting in the movie 'Rakta'. Then he acted in the movie 'Dhyateriki', 'Cockpit' and got great appreciation from the audience. He has started shooting for another movie. Roshan has paired up with a new actress. The name of the movie is 'Ustad'. In this movie, she will be acted opposite by the debutant Ulm Haque. Directed by Saif Chandan, the shooting of 'Ustad' started on November 27. Film World is producing this movie.
However, who will be the heroine of the movie, the mystery was swirling for quite some time. Finally that name was revealed. There will be a total of three heroines in this movie. Although the name of one of them has been revealed, the names of the other two have not been revealed yet. Roshan is acting in the title role of this movie.
Director Saif Chandan said, 'I want to introduce some new artists through this movie. One of them is Warm Haq. He will be paired with Roshan in the movie. Besides, two more heroines will be seen in this film. But right now I am not revealing their names.'
Saif Chandan also said, 'The audience does not go to see any star artist in the cinema hall. They want to see good stories and good making. I am adding all the artists who can portray these characters for the story of the movie.'
Meanwhile, Ustad Haque is excited to be the central character of the movie. Ulm Haque also said, 'I want to act in movies with good stories. I don't want to come on screen as a so called heroine. After hearing the story of Saif Chandan sir's movie, he became interested in working. Everyone pray for me, that we can finish the movie beautifully.'
This movie 'Ustad' is directed by Saif Chandan as well as story and screenplay. Previously, this director came to the discussion with the film 'Abbas'.