The Dhaka Times Desk This time hero Siam Ahmed has come under criticism for praying. Recently, the hero Siam Ahmed prayed in a scene of a movie while shooting. And after that scene spread online, the criticism started. According to media reports, actor Siam Ahmed has been criticized for praying in a movie scene. But there is nothing to criticize about the scene, said the maker of the film.
This time hero Siam Ahmed has come under criticism for praying. Recently, the hero Siam Ahmed prayed in a scene of a movie while shooting. And after that scene spread online, the criticism started. According to media reports, actor Siam Ahmed has been criticized for praying in a movie scene. But there is nothing to criticize about the scene, said the maker of the film.
Recently, the shooting of director Raihan Rafi's new movie 'Ittefaq' has started in Sylhet. A scene was already set in Sylhet's traditional Shahi Eidgah Maidan. In that scene, it is seen that the hero of the movie Siyam Ahmed is offering prayers and the heroine Vidya Sinha Mim is standing at a distance.
When this scene spread through social media, criticism started about it. It is spread on Facebook that this sacred Eidgah has been made a shrine and dance-songs have been shot there.
Producer Raihan Rafi said that the lead actor of this movie Siam Ahmed took part in a scene in the traditional Shahi Eidgah Maidan. But not in any dance music scene. He participated in a prayer scene there. Siam really prayed for the scene.
The shooting of the film has started in Sylhet from November 25. It has been reported that the shooting of the movie will continue for 20 consecutive days there. Siam Ahmed and Vidya Sinha Mim have teamed up for the first time in the movie 'Ittefaq' produced by MB Films. Shahiduzzaman Salim, Khairul Basar, Fazlur Rahman Babu and many others are also acting.
Note that Siam Ahmed has already advanced as a successful actor of the current generation. That's why he got a lot of praise by acting in one movie after another.