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Fake views of foreign news sites

There are 350 million registered domain names on the Internet

The Dhaka Times Desk Forbes and Business Insider are both well-known news sites. So what is a new spin-off of Ban No it is not completely correct.

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It is not affiliated with Forbes or Business Insider. In fact, this is a site that copies and pastes entire articles from other publishers and reposts them with very minor changes. There are 350 million registered domain names on the Internet. Experts say it's impossible to count how many shameful news sites there are. But just like legitimate websites, they make money from big tech companies that pay them to display ads.

Amazon and Google are two of the world's largest players in the digital advertising industry. They bring in billions of dollars a year from selling access to ad space across the Internet. When the survey was recently conducted by the business firm, it looked at ads promoting big brands including Sephora and Urgent Insurance. After Google was warned by the BBC, it stopped serving ads on the site, but Amazon still does. The site was developed by a web design company based in Karachi, Pakistan. Designer Shahzad Memon told the BBC that his company Surge built as an experiment to discover ways to increase engine optimization – the ability to make a site appear higher in search results for specific queries.

You don't have to be an advanced hacker to do this, says Dr. Augustine Fu, a digital advertising expert based in New York, because as long as you know a bit of code, you can create a basic website using templates. . The website also appears – at first glance – to be a regular news site for a South Texas town. There are stories about President Trump's border wall with local residents and Mexico.

Dig deeper into the Laredo Tribune's user data and find other sources that aren't valid. Advertisers may ask why there were five million page views in September, which exceeded three million views in October. Advertisements from major UK brands including Virgin Media, Superdrug and even TV Licensing were featured on the associated shame news site, shown by the BBC.

A Virgin Media spokesperson said, “We hope that more can be done across the industry to prevent per-con-ad ad fraud. Google says the Laredo Tribune doesn't violate its advertising rules and it hasn't found any problems with traffic to the site. Mr. Shevtsov said this means that next month, the anonymous owner will receive the next payment check from Google. But many in the industry say Google doesn't do enough to ensure ad budgets aren't wasted by other bogus sites.

The advertising industry and Google continue to ignore the obvious evidence -“, Mr. Shevtsov said, that they commit fraud. Dr. Augustine Fu agrees that Google has hundreds of thousands of apps and millions of sites that use its ad technology to make money. But after years and years of learning about objections, they should be doing something more proactive, not just taking action after doing all the work for third parties. Google says it is heavily invested in fighting ad fraud. The BBC invited Amazon for comment but did not respond.

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