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Some of the best apps of 2019

Google has released the list of the best apps of 2019

The Dhaka Times Desk Google has released the list of the best apps of 2019. On the other hand, Call of Duty won the best game title. Know about some of the best apps of 2019.

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Google has released the list of the best apps of 2019. On the other hand, Call of Duty won the best game title. Know about some of the best apps of 2019.

The best app is Ablo

Ablo has become quite popular among travel lovers worldwide. This app will enhance the traveling experience through video chat and communication. It also has an in-built translator.

The best game is Call of Duty: Mobile

This game reached the peak of popularity after Call of Duty was released on Android phones in 2019.

Customer Choice Rewards:

App : Video Editor - Glitch Video Effects
Game: Call of Duty- Mobile
Movie: Marvel Studios' Avengers Endgame
E-Book: Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

The highest grossing movies of 2019 are:

# Marvel Studios' Avengers: Endgame
# Aquaman
The Star Is Born at #

Top selling TV shows in 2019 are:

# Game of Thrones
# The Walking Dead
# The Big Bang Theory

Best Selling E-Books of 2019:

# The Minister
# Scary Stories to Tell
# Timothy's chariot

Best Selling Audiobooks of 2019:

# Becoming
# The Suttle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

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