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US Violates UN Resolution: Antonio Guterres

Iran remains committed to the nuclear deal despite massive challenges from the United States

The Dhaka Times Desk UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that the United States has violated UN Security Council Resolution 2231 by imposing sanctions on Iran. Yesterday (Wednesday) the UN Secretary General made this comment while presenting his periodic report on Resolution 2231 in the Security Council. Guterres regretted that the United States had withdrawn from the Iran nuclear agreement and said that according to Security Council resolution 2231, all countries of the world should be able to do business with Iran, which is currently not possible.

জাতিসংঘের প্রস্তাব লঙ্ঘন করেছে মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র: অ্যান্তোনিও গুতেরেস 1

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that the United States has violated UN Security Council Resolution 2231 by imposing sanctions on Iran. Yesterday (Wednesday) the UN Secretary General made this comment while presenting his periodic report on Resolution 2231 in the Security Council. Guterres regretted that the United States had withdrawn from the Iran nuclear agreement and said that according to Security Council resolution 2231, all countries of the world should be able to do business with Iran, which is currently not possible.

The UN Secretary-General also said in his report that Iran is sticking to the nuclear deal despite massive challenges from the United States. He also commented that the matter is satisfactory.

Iran signed a nuclear deal in 2015 with six world powers, the United States, France, Germany, Britain, Russia and China. Immediately after the signing of the agreement, the UN Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 2231. The resolution made the Iran nuclear deal an international law.

However, the United States has violated international law by withdrawing from the nuclear agreement it signed in 2018. In his Wednesday report, the UN Secretary-General acknowledged violations of international law by the United States.

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