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Eat sour curd to relieve cold and cough in winter

Eating sour curd in winter is very beneficial

The Dhaka Times Desk Cold and cough have become our daily problem. Due to which one has to have a lot of problems with cold and cough. But this time there is an easy way. Eat sour curd to relieve cold and cough in winter. Many people think that eating sour yogurt in summer is beneficial. But you know what? Eating sour curd in winter is very beneficial.

শীতে সর্দি-কাশি দূর করতে খান টক দই 1

Cold and cough have become our daily problem. Due to which one has to have a lot of problems with cold and cough. But this time there is an easy way. Eat sour curd to relieve cold and cough in winter. Many people think that eating sour yogurt in summer is beneficial. But you know what? Eating sour curd in winter is very beneficial.

The idea we had about sour yogurt for a long time is that those who have a cold, especially a cold cough, can get worse by eating sour yogurt. But experts have changed that idea. They said the exact opposite. They said, eat sour curd to get rid of cold and cough in winter.

Body is cool and fresh in winter. According to Ayurveda, eating sour cream in winter will increase cold and cough. But this time nutrition science says something else. They said that vitamin C present in curd reduces colds and coughs.

Especially diabetic patients or those who are prone to obesity, love sweets but never get the chance to taste them.

It contains a lot of calcium. Full of good bacteria and protein. There are vitamins 6 and 12, magnesium, potassium, riboflavin, which keep the body healthy.

According to Ayurveda expert Ashutosh Gautam, it is wise not to eat sour cream at night if you have a cold. Especially after 5 pm sourdough should not be eaten at all. Those who suffer from asthma, the problem increases from this food.

Nutritional science says that the good bacteria in yogurt protects against winter infections, mainly vitamins nourish the body, protein keeps your body warm. On the other hand, its calcium strengthens bones and teeth. So nutritionists have advised to eat curd even in winter. But you will be left out anyway. Is it winter? Don't try it once.

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