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Japanese woman to keep the child quiet! [video]

Even if the mother leaves the house, her child does not cry at all

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that little babies start crying when they can't see their mother. That is normal. And then especially working mothers have to face problems. So see a Japanese woman to keep the child quiet!

সন্তানকে চুপ রাখতে জাপানি মহিলার কাণ্ড! [ভিডিও] 1

We all know that little babies start crying when they can't see their mother. It is not only in our country, children all over the world do the same. So those who are employed are in a lot of trouble. While going to the office, the child does not want to leave the mother, starts crying. However, a Japanese couple has come up with a solution to this problem. Now their baby is not crying even though the mother is not around. What is the reason?

Recently a person from Japan posted 3 pictures and a video on his Twitter. It is seen there, how the mother leaves the house but her child does not cry at all.

In fact, the Japanese couple made a life-size cutout of the baby's mother. Because of that, if the child's mother is not at home, the cut out is put up. Because of this, the child thinks that his mother is standing behind him, watching him. So he didn't cry anymore. He plays according to his own mind.

The video shows how the child's mother brings her cut-out out the door before sneaking out of the child's room. The child is also trying to turn around and see its mother. The child gets addicted to playing again after seeing the cut out.

Moreover, the couple made another cut out. Another cut out shows the child's mother sitting on the floor. It is also kept in another room. The Japanese couple invented this way so that if the child goes to that room, he can see his mother there!

As usual this picture and video has already gone viral on social media. The one-minute video, which was uploaded on December 8, has already been viewed nearly 21 lakh times. Along with that, all the funny comments are also read there.

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