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If the teeth are unclean, the risk of brain stroke increases many times!

The bacteria block the blood flow in the veins of the brain

The Dhaka Times Desk The number of people suffering from brain stroke is increasing day by day, including in our country. One of the causes of brain stroke is unclean teeth. Researchers claim that unclean teeth can increase the risk of brain stroke many times! Recently, a group of researchers from Hiroshima University in Japan made such a claim after their research, if the teeth are unclean, the bacteria that grows in the gap between the teeth is responsible for tooth decay. The same bacteria can increase the risk of stroke!

দাঁত অপরিষ্কার থাকলে ব্রেন স্ট্রোকের ঝুঁকি বেড়ে যায় বহুগুণ! 1

The number of people suffering from brain stroke is increasing day by day, including in our country. One of the causes of brain stroke is unclean teeth. Researchers claim that unclean teeth can increase the risk of brain stroke many times! Recently, a group of researchers from Hiroshima University in Japan made such a claim after their research, if the teeth are unclean, the bacteria that grows in the gap between the teeth is responsible for tooth decay. The same bacteria can increase the risk of stroke!

The explanation of these Japanese researchers is that this bacteria creates a blockage in the blood circulation in the veins of the brain. It also disrupts the normal blood flow to the brain, which increases the risk of stroke. They have reached this conclusion after researching about 358 patients, told the media.

It is known that most of the 358 people studied are between 50 and 60 years old. The researchers also observed the widespread presence of bacteria in the teeth of each of them. Therefore, researchers believe that there is a need to emphasize dental care for people of all ages. Brushing your teeth regularly will prevent tooth decay as well as reduce the risk of stroke. That is, the researchers said to take care of the teeth. The researchers said that since keeping teeth clean is linked to important diseases like stroke. So reduce the risk of stroke easily with dental care. Moreover, teeth play an important role in enhancing human beauty. So take care of your teeth regularly.

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