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Chrome browser will tell you if your password is stolen!

Password theft is nothing new

The Dhaka Times Desk Password theft is nothing new. This leads to big problems. But from now on there is nothing to worry about. Chrome browser will tell you if your password is stolen! According to media reports, the Chrome browser will tell users whether their passwords have been hacked or stolen. This browser will warn you even if you enter a site with a password! For that, it is reported that a new feature is being added in the next few weeks.

আপনার পাসওয়ার্ড চুরি হলেই বিষয়টি জানিয়ে দেবে ক্রোম ব্রাউজার! 1

Password theft is nothing new. This leads to big problems. But from now on there is nothing to worry about. Chrome browser will tell you if your password is stolen! According to media reports, the Chrome browser will tell users whether their passwords have been hacked or stolen. This browser will warn you even if you enter a site with a password! For that, it is reported that a new feature is being added in the next few weeks.

According to a news release, this feature will identify whether someone else is using your password on various sites by reviewing users' traditional online activities.

Not only that, this new feature will also warn users with a 'pop up' message if the password is stolen or hacked. Because of this, users can easily know whether the passwords they have given on different sites are safe or not. That is, the user can be fairly confident about his password.

It should be noted that, along with warning about unsafe websites, this Chrome browser checks whether various websites are slow to load or not. Due to which this browser is becoming very easy to use. People who used to use Mozilla Firefox are now using this Chrome browser. There is only one reason for this and that is some special privileges. Moreover, it is easy to use and can be used without any hindrance.

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