
A village that has more dolls than people!

The Dhaka Times Desk It is customary for young children especially girls to play with dolls. But the news of such a village has now been found that there are more dolls than people in the village!

This village is nowhere else in Japan. It is a village in Shikoku Island, Japan called Nagoro. The number of people in this village is very less. Only thirty people live in this village. None of these are children. The last child born in the village was 18 years ago, meaning there is no person under the age of 18 in this village. In 2012, the village's only primary school was closed due to lack of students. However, dolls live here more than 10 times more than people! The story of the puppets of Nagoro Village came up in a New York Times report.

According to a report in the media, Japan's population is also decreasing day by day and the rest are gradually getting old. The shock of this situation is felt most in the remote areas of the country. This village of Nagoro is its real image.

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Recently, a woman named Tsukimi Ayono of Nagoro village has resorted to dolls to fill the human void. He also tried to bring students back to primary school. But he did this with a doll made of old cloth, not a flesh and blood person.

It is known that this 70-year-old woman has made more than 40 dolls by hand. Which he arranged inside the closed school and in the field. He put the puppets in the field to race, swing and throw the ball! Through which he is reminding the school sports day!

Some of the puppets inside the school are even walking around the stairs! Someone is sitting at the desk in front of the teacher and taking lessons. Iono's dolls have a sense of exuberance, they all seem like living boys and girls!

Aonoro saw her friends make more than 350 dolls. These puppets, made from wood and wire frames or from newspapers and old cloths found in various parts of Japan, are seen in various places in Nagaro Village.

Some of these dolls on display are of an old woman, who is going to a roadside grave; Someone is resting in a wheelchair again. Construction workers also lit cigarettes during work breaks, waiting at bus stops. A father is walking with a car full of children, somewhere someone is shaking the tree!

It is known that the villagers got the idea of making dolls after seeing Aono. Ayono also once planted some red radish and pea seeds in front of their house. To save from the birds, then make a crow like father's face there. From then on, dolls were placed in different places in the entire village.

It is known that there are more than 10 times more puppets than the total population of Nagoro village. So this village is called the village of dolls in Japan.

This post was last modified on ডিসেম্বর ২৩, ২০১৯ 3:32 pm

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