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Learn about the world's largest floating village

About a thousand years ago, the Bajau tribe settled on the Brunei River

The Dhaka Times Desk We have heard about many different villages. But today there is an exceptional story of a village. And that is the world's largest floating village.

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When it comes to floating cities, Venice comes to mind. But if it is said that the floating village? That's right, just like floating cities, there are also floating villages. However, this village is not in Italy. This village is located in Brunei. This village is called Kampong Aye. Kampong Ayer means floating village.

About a thousand years ago, the Bajau tribe settled on the Brunei River. Then with time it also spread. Later it was transformed into a model village. Every house in this village has electricity connection, clean drinking water and Wi-Fi.

Here in Panipat, speedboats are used to go from one village to another. Besides, the village also has emergency services like police station, fire brigade. When there is a fire or criminal activity somewhere in the village, the police and fire brigade use speedboats to reach the scene. The village has school, mosque, petrol pump, restaurant, medical center.

According to media reports, about 500 years ago, the Portuguese Ferdinand Magellan, the Venezuelan scholar Antonio Pigafetta came here to visit. He traveled to Brunei in 1521 AD. He then saw similarities between Antonia and the surrounding villages.

According to documents prepared by ancient traders, Bajau Sea Nomads built houses on the Brunei River more than a thousand years ago. Since then, the village was gradually settled in this way.

The only port of the floating village is Seri Begwane. A massive 38 km wooden and concrete Sanko is the only connecting link between the surrounding villages. It is considered as the largest floating village in the world.

About 30,000 people live in this village, most of whom are fishermen. This village has government housing, school, health center, police station all in this floating village. Boat is the main vehicle of this village. But even though it is a village, there is a touch of modernity everywhere. The world's largest floating village is also known as the 'Venice of the East'.

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