The Dhaka Times Desk At the end of the year, the government funded movie 'Maya the Lost Mother' was released in only seven theaters in the country. Dhaliwood year 2019 ended with the release of this film. 'Maya The Lost Mother' is produced by Masud Pathik. It was the dream of this producer to release the movie together. But it was not possible. He also claimed that he is being victimized by dirty politics while releasing the movie. By posting on Facebook, he also said that there is doubt whether he will make a movie in the future! Finally the last movie of the year 'Maya the Lost Mother' has been released in 7 theaters.
At the end of the year, the government funded movie 'Maya the Lost Mother' was released in only seven theaters in the country. Dhaliwood year 2019 ended with the release of this film. 'Maya The Lost Mother' is produced by Masud Pathik. It was the dream of this producer to release the movie together. But it was not possible. He also claimed that he is being victimized by dirty politics while releasing the movie. By posting on Facebook, he also said that there is doubt whether he will make a movie in the future! Finally the last movie of the year 'Maya the Lost Mother' has been released in 7 theaters.
In this regard, the producer Masud Pathik said that the film will run in Balaka, Shyamoli Cinema in Dhaka, Cinescope in Narayanganj, BGP Cinema Hall in Sylhet, Liberty in Khulna, Sonia in Bogra and Silver Screen in Chittagong in the first week.
According to a report in the media, the film 'Maya, The Lost Mother' is based on the painting 'Nari' by internationally renowned painter Shahabuddin Ahmed and the poem 'Juddhashishu' by poet Kamal Chowdhury. About this film, Jyoti said, every patriotic person should watch this film. The film contains the spirit of the liberation war and the real picture of the present social system after the liberation war. It has the smell of earth, and there are 68,000 Grams of Bangladesh-Bangla form. He also invited everyone to watch the film.
It should be noted that in this movie 'Maya the Lost Mother', apart from Jyotika Jyoti, Mumtaz Sarkar (Kolkata), Pran Roy, Debashish Kaiser, Syed Hasan Imam, Jhuna Chowdhury and others have acted.