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Research says that dry pepper will reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease!

Experts say, this vegetable rich in vitamin C eliminates the deficiency of vitamin C in the body

The Dhaka Times Desk This research has revealed an important information about dry pepper. Research says that dry pepper will reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease! We all know that dry chillies are commonly used in curries along with green chillies. However, even though we eat these two types of chili, many of us are unaware of its qualities. Today we will know that.

গবেষণা বলছে স্ট্রোক-হৃদরোগের ঝুঁকি কমাবে শুকনো মরিচ! 1

This research has revealed an important information about dry pepper. Research says that dry pepper will reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease! We all know that dry chillies are commonly used in curries along with green chillies. However, even though we eat these two types of chili, many of us are unaware of its qualities. Today we will know that.

We all eat more or less dry chilies. Again, many of us have the idea that eating dry chilies is harmful. Gastic ulcer caused by eating dried chillies etc. But the information provided by the researchers after a long study can be said to be a completely different picture. The concept of people has completely changed.

Experts say, this vegetable rich in vitamin C eliminates the deficiency of vitamin C in the body. In addition, it reduces the incidence of various diseases.

A recent study has shown that dry chillies have many properties like green chillies. Studies have shown that regular consumption of dried chillies reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke. According to a report, eating any food made with dry chilies is very good for the body.

Researchers say, since it is very beneficial for body and health. So it is necessary to keep dry chili in the daily food list.

Before publishing this information, researchers conducted an eight-year study of about 23,000 people living in Italy.

Studies have shown that people who eat dried chilies at least four times a week have a 40 percent lower risk of dying from heart disease and a 50 percent lower risk of dying from a stroke.

Researchers say that eating dry chilies along with healthy vegetarian or other variety of foods will protect your health.

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