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'Neon' will be friends in the new year!

Samsung is going to bring artificial intelligence technology called 'Neon'

The Dhaka Times Desk Samsung is going to introduce artificial intelligence technology called 'Neon' to give you the opportunity to continue open-minded discussions like a dear friend. The company claims that this technology is quite different from the voice-controlled digital assistant services of various companies. The reason is not only to obey the instructions of the users; Rather, this artificial intelligence technology can also interact with them.

‘নিয়ন’ নতুন বছরে বন্ধু হবে! 1

Samsung is going to introduce artificial intelligence technology called 'Neon' to give you the opportunity to continue open-minded discussions like a dear friend. The company claims that this technology is quite different from the voice-controlled digital assistant services of various companies. The reason is not only to obey the instructions of the users; Rather, this artificial intelligence technology can also interact with them.

It is known that, like a friend, it can express its feelings as well as express its opinion. So in the future, 'neon' will be a dear friend of people.

If everything goes well, the company wants to showcase this technology at the Consumer Electronics Show held in Las Vegas, USA from January 7. Previously, the world-renowned technology manufacturer Samsung launched the voice-controlled digital assistant 'Bixby' to give the opportunity to control various services and apps of the device with the word of mouth.

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