
Travel: Where to visit in Kolkata

The Dhaka Times Desk There is no doubt that India i.e. Kolkata is one of the most interesting places to visit for the travel enthusiasts. Today is where to travel in Kolkata.

Many also go to India for medical needs. However, many people go there just for sightseeing. But those who go for a trip may not know how to go where. Find out today. Today some tourist spots in India are mentioned in brief. I mentioned to you about going to India yesterday (Travel: How to Go to India).

Salt Lake elite area

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There are various hotels to stay in Kolkata. You can stay very comfortably in all these hotels. Again, there are many elite homes in the Salt Lake area that rent out when you bring your family. You can also stay there with a flat. You will get a room for 5000 taka from 600 taka in a normal hotel. And flat house for one day starting from 3 thousand to 8 or more you have to count.

Hotels in New Market area are good for Bangladeshis. Because there you will find Muslim food hotels. There are many Muslim food hotels in New Market area of Kolkata. These hotels are especially found in the Calling Lane area. All these areas have mosques for offering prayers. However, if you go to the Salt Lake area, you will not find a mosque.

An elite market in Kolkata

New Market area is good for shopping. There are many shopping malls. You can shop as you wish in a large area. Moreover, you can go to the big market and shop. There are also many famous expensive shopping stores like M Bazaar.

There is really no place to visit in Kolkata city. If you want to visit you have to go to Puri or Dighat. There are beaches to visit. There are hundreds of tourist spots in India including the Taj Mahal. Which you can't finish even if it lasts for months. But you have to take express train to go to Puri or Dighai. Train travel in India is a very good thing.

That's exactly what it says on a Science City field ride!

If you want to take a short trip within the city, you can go to Science City. It is one of the places to visit in the city especially for small children. From New Market area you can go to Science City. Taxi cab will take maximum half an hour. There is no traffic jam in Kolkata city. That's why it doesn't take much time to go from one end to another.

Kolkata is a traffic free city

আপনি ইচ্ছে করলে পাতাল রেলেও চড়তে পারেন। নিউ মার্কেট এলাকায় পাতাল রেলের স্টেশন রয়েছে। আপনি ইচ্ছে করলে সেখান থেকে ২০ বা ৩০ টাকার টিকিট কেটে ৬/৭ স্টেশন ঘুরে আবার ফিরে আসতে পারেন। পাতাল রেলে চড়তে আপনার বেশ ভালোই লাগবে। আপনি ইচ্ছে করলে হাওড়া ব্রিজ যেতে পারেন। যদিও সেখানে দেখার মতো তেমন কিছু নেই। তবে ব্রিজটি একটি ঐতিহাসিক বা নাম করা ব্রিজ গঙ্গ নদীর উপর প্রতিষ্ঠিত। তাই সেখানে গিয়ে আপনি দেখে আসতে পারেন হাওড়া ব্রিজ। তবে ব্রিজের কাছে গিয়ে ছবি তুলতে যাবেন না। কারণ ব্রিজের ছবি তোলার উপর নিষেধাজ্ঞা রয়েছে। তবে দূরে গিয়ে দু’একটি ছবি আপনি তুলতেই পারেন। ব্রিজের আশে পাশে অবশ্য লঞ্চে চড়ে বেড়ানো যেতে পারে। হয়তো সকালে গিয়ে বিকেল পর্যন্ত ঘুরে বেড়াতে পারেন।

You can go to Rabindra Sadan. There is no doubt that you will be charmed and heart-pounded by many memorable things of Kavi Guru.

This post was last modified on জানুয়ারি ৮, ২০২০ 10:33 am

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