The Dhaka Times
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ACC needs to be strengthened to reduce corruption

Dhaka Times Report. Corruption is a major national problem of our country. Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) is playing a role in preventing this corruption. The history of Bangladesh has shown that when the party in power takes refuge in corruption. No complaints of corruption are ever heard when those in power are in power. When they were ousted from power, there was talk of a mountain of corruption against them.
দুর্নীতি কমাতে হলে দুদককে আরও শক্তিশালী করতে হবে 1
Everyone is talking about corruption, everyone is talking openly about this disease called corruption, but nothing is being done. We have many examples of corruption starting from a peon to the office of the head of state. But what role do we play in preventing this corruption? We talk a lot but don't actually take any action. For example, we are not allowing the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) to play an effective role in reality. The Anti-Corruption Commission should be allowed to function independently. Big projects of the country are also being closed due to corruption. Like Padma Bridge. The World Bank has stopped the work of the Padma Bridge project due to allegations of corruption at the very beginning. In this way, many projects in the country have been closed or are being closed due to corruption. Most of our development funds come from abroad but due to this corruption there are also instances of many projects being refunded in the end.

In the current context of corruption, the chairman of the organization, Golam Rahman, called for the ACC to be strengthened by bringing necessary amendments to the ACC Act. Recently, he said, if the proposal made by the ACC to the Parliamentary Committee and the Law Minister becomes a law, the ACC will be able to work more strictly against the corrupt. On the occasion of the anti-corruption week, an anti-corruption rally came out from the ACC office on March 28 and went around various roads and went in front of the National Press Club to address the human chain program. The ACC chairman said the above. At that time, two commissioners of ACC M. Badiuzzaman and M. Sahabuddin and secretary Faizur Rahman Chowdhury were present. Golam Rahman said, Satta Sangh has been formed with the students of schools, colleges and madrasas to ensure honesty and transparency in society. He said that corruption is the main obstacle to the country's economic development, progress and poverty alleviation. For this reason, there is no alternative to take strict legal action against the corrupt. But it should also be taken care of, so that the corrupt cannot get out through the loopholes of the law.
দুর্নীতি কমাতে হলে দুদককে আরও শক্তিশালী করতে হবে 2
As the Chairman of the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) said, “There is no alternative to strict legal action against the corrupt”. This is the real truth. In light of this, the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) should be strengthened. ACC needs to be strengthened to save the nation from the poison that has entered the society called corruption. Anyone who is corrupt, be it a peon or a minister, should be dealt with strictly by law enforcement. Then no one will dare to commit corruption.

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