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A beautiful landscape in Brazil

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Tuesday, 14 January 2020 AD, 30 Paush 1426 BANGABD, 17 Jamadiul Awal 1441 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

ব্রাজিলের একটি সৌন্দর্যপূর্ণ প্রাকৃতিক দৃশ্য 1

The scene that you see is an aesthetically beautiful landscape of Brazil. A truly beautiful landscape.

Brazil is the fifth largest country in the world and one of the largest countries in South America. When you hear the word Brazil, the first thing that comes to mind is the legendary football player Pele, recognized as the best football player in history. Along with that, the words of the eye-catching aesthetic football match also surfaced. Then a beautiful flag color with a mixture of green and yellow emerges. Another form of Brazilian song and dance called samba also comes up. Beyond this knowledge, Brazil has a long history of tradition and culture.

Brazil is also considered one of the world's leading countries in terms of biodiversity and natural environment. At the same time, the topography of Brazil is quite diverse. The country also has diverse terrains like hills, mountains, plains, highlands, pastures etc. The country has a dense and complex river system, which is considered one of the most complex river systems in the world. Brazil's notable rivers include the Amazon, which is the world's second longest river and the world's largest river by volume of water drained. All these have made Brazil one of the tourist centers of the world. The position of Brazil is number 6 in the list of the most beautiful countries in the world.

Image and information: Courtesy of

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