The Dhaka Times
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Hartal called by Jamaat is going on

The Dhaka Times Desk The strike called by Jamaat-e-Islami is going on. However, there is widespread public anger over the strike due to Ramadan.


Jamaat-e-Islami called today's hartal rejecting the death sentence against the party's secretary general Ali Ahsan Mohammad Mujahid. However, this hartal is going on for the fourth day due to the verdict in the case of Jamaat's former Amir Ghulam Azam.

Police were seen on high alert at various important places in the capital. Law and order forces are on high alert to prevent any kind of vandalism. No pickets were seen in Gulshan, Uttara, Motijheel, Jatrabari, Mohammadpur, Gulistan and Paltan areas of the capital. Minibuses, CNG, battery-powered autos and rickshaws ply in the capital in large numbers. The long-distance bus did not leave. The train is running as usual. Office-Court, Bank-Insurance are open. Today's strike is going on peacefully till writing this report.

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