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"Innovative method" gold loot! [video]

Within a few minutes, the police arrived at the scene and arrested the robber

The Dhaka Times Desk A man has been arrested after robbing a jewelery store in Shepherd's Bush in west London in a 'fancy manner'. However, his two accomplices managed to escape.

‘অভিনব পদ্ধতিতে’ সোনা লুট! [ভিডিও] 1

Such news has been published in a report of the British media Daily Mail. According to the report, the robbers entered the shop in a black Range Rover by breaking the windows. At that time, a customer who was staying inside the shop somehow escaped from being hit by the car. After entering the shop, the members of the robber gang ransacked the shop and filled the bags with gold ornaments. After a while, the shopkeepers and the general public standing outside managed to catch one of the robbers while leaving.

According to the news media, within a few minutes, the police arrived at the scene and arrested the robber. It is known that the name of the 34-year-old robber is Ben Weisner. The police have registered a case against him for robbery, dangerous driving and carrying weapons. Apart from this, the car used in the robbery has also been seized. This car was stolen by the gang earlier this month.

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