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An Indian girl broke her own record!

The 17-year-old woman Nilanshi Patel is a resident of the Indian state of Gujarat

The Dhaka Times Desk An Indian woman already has the longest hair in the world. He broke his own record with long black hair.

ভারতীয় এক কিশোরী নিজের রেকর্ড নিজেই ভাঙলেন! 1

The Indian woman once again entered the Guinness Book of Records. At the age of just 17 years, the Indian girl has once again become the owner of this new record. Her hair length is currently 6 feet 2 inches. His previous record was about 5.5 feet.

According to Indian media reports, the 17-year-old woman Nilanshi Patel is a resident of the Indian state of Gujarat. He has made the hair record longer this time. In 2018, Nilanshi's name was previously in the Guinness Book of World Records for holding the record for the longest hair among minors.

When she first set the record in 2018, her hair length was 170.5 cm, which is about 5.5 feet. At the top of his record, his current hair length is 190 cm or about 6 feet 3 inches. It has also been newly recognized by Guinness World Records.

Nilanshi from Gujarat is known as Indian 'Rapunzel' in her country. The girl, who hails from Modasa in Gujarat, is nicknamed 'Rapunzel' by her friends. He has not cut his hair for the last 11 years. The teenager has never had her hair cut since she had a bad experience at a salon when she was 6 years old.

After making the new record, Nilanshi said that she never wants to cut her hair. She has no such plans because her hair is very dear to her. When asked to know the secret of long hair, Nilanshi said that her mother prepared an oil using special ingredients at home. He has been using that oil since childhood.

Nilanshi's mother wants her daughter's hair to be much longer. Nilanshi dreams of becoming a software engineer in the future. He said, he does not have any problem with such long hair. His long hair never stopped him from studying. So he wants to never cut this hair as long as he lives.

He told the local and national media that when his mother applied oil to his hair or sat down to detangle Nilanshi, he started reading with a book in hand. Nilanshi studied as long as it took to oil her hair. It has become his habit since childhood. Class XII student Nilanshi is currently preparing for the 'Joint Entrance' exam.

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