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Bangladeshi Sudarshan Das in Guinness book 4 times in a row

Guinness World Records in Instrumental Music

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi Pandit Sudarshan Das entered the Guinness World Records for instrumental music not once, twice, but 4 times in a row. This British citizen born in Sylhet wants to spread this achievement among the youth. According to media reports, the young Bangladeshi scholar Sudarshan Das has written his name in the Guinness World Records for instrumental music for the first time 4 times in a row. This British citizen born in Sylhet wants to spread this achievement among the youth.

টানা ৪ বার গিনেজ বুকে বাংলাদেশী সুদর্শন দাশ 1

Bangladeshi Pandit Sudarshan Das entered the Guinness World Records for instrumental music not once, twice, but 4 times in a row. This British citizen born in Sylhet wants to spread this achievement among the youth. According to media reports, the young Bangladeshi scholar Sudarshan Das has written his name in the Guinness World Records for instrumental music for the first time 4 times in a row. This British citizen born in Sylhet wants to spread this achievement among the youth.

Pandit Sudarshan Das started playing instrumental music in Chittagong. Then he studied instrumental music at Santiniketan in Kolkata. He gets the fullness of learning. From 2016 to 2019, Sudarshan Das wrote his name in the Guinness Book of Records by playing Tabla, Dhol, Drums and Drum Set in different guises.

Sudarshan Das told the media in this regard, 'One can never reach the goal without hard work. I have made many sacrifices to reach this place today. Through hard work and sacrifice, man can achieve anything.'

It is to be noted that this world record holder Pandit Sudarshan Das has recently given two days training in tabla to the small artists of Sylhet in the organization of Sammilita Natya Parishad.

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