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Canada's Valley of Ten Peaks is full of natural beauty


The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Monday, 3 February 2020 Christ, 20 Magh 1426 Bangabd, 8 Jamadius Sani 1441 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

প্রাকৃতিক সৌন্দর্যে ভরপুর কানাডার ভ্যালি অব টেন পিক 1

The view you see is Canada's Valley of Ten Peaks. A truly beautiful and enchanting landscape. Nothing can top such a scene.

The Valley of Ten Peaks is built around the 10 peaks of Canada's Banff National Park. The valley is surrounded by pine forests, along which flows the popular moraine lake. The river is considered to be the main attraction of this valley. The clear blue water of the river, the peaks of the mountains covered with snow, is like a fairyland flowing under the water.

It is known that Samuel Allen was the first to discover this region. Initially, 10 peaks of this valley were named after him. Later the first 3 peaks were named after three famous people of the world.

Close to this valley are Larch Valley, Lake Louise, Centennial Pass and the spectacular Lake Effiel. Therefore, in addition to the Valley of Ten Peaks, many tourists who are eager to travel begin to arrive in this region of Canada in the beginning of summer and end of winter to see these beautiful beauties of nature. They share their solitude with nature by walking around, boating in marine lakes or trekking in the mountains.


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