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The scenic beauty is the Douro Valley in Portugal

This valley is located very close to the city of Porto in northern Portugal

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Tuesday, 4 February 2020 Christ, 21 Magh 1426 Bangabd, 9 Jamadius Sani 1441 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

নান্দনিক সৌন্দর্য পর্তুগালের ডোরো উপত্যকা 1

The beautiful view you see is the Douro Valley in Portugal. A really beautiful scenery.

This valley is located very close to the city of Porto in northern Portugal. Recognized as a part of world heritage in 2001, the main attraction of this valley is the artificial forest created on the slopes created by cutting the hills. As rows of trees can be seen on these hillsides, the people living in the valley have also chosen these hillsides for farming.

The river Doro flows through the mountain passes of this valley. The river is a symbol of hope and aspiration of the people of the valley. The water of this river is inextricably linked with the lifestyle of the locals. The river flows through Portugal to the province of Soria in Spain.

At sunrise and sunset, the glimmer of sunlight on the hillsides of this valley creates a unique scene. In the suburbs, the harvest of the people of the valley is like smoke. During the holidays, boating along the calm currents of the Doro River and walking along the secluded mountain paths bring an unforgettable moment of joy to the tourists. So tourists go here and get fascinated.


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