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Why should you clean your face and go to sleep at night?

Maybe we promise ourselves every day that from tomorrow we will take care of our body and skin so that it doesn't happen anymore.

Woman drying face with towel in mirror

The Dhaka Times Desk After a full day of work, we all return home tired. And so none of us want to follow a skincare routine. But it is a very necessary thing, experts said.

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After returning home tired, it seems that life is worth it if you can somehow refresh yourself and fall into bed. Maybe we promise to ourselves every day that from tomorrow we will take care of the body and skin so that it doesn't happen anymore. Due to this negligence, our skin is damaged.

Washing your face before going to bed at night is very healthy for our skin. The reason is that our skin becomes very dull and lifeless due to stress throughout the day. So the end of the day is the best time to take care of the skin. So prioritize your skin health before anything else and take a look at the reasons why you need to go to bed with a clean face at night.

Skin pores should be cleaned

At the end of the day, if you don't take care of your skin properly, dust and dead skin cells can get stuck in your pores. Also, the make-up products that we use when we go out in the morning get into the skin pores and if the face is not cleaned for a long time, the skin pores may become blocked. So clean your face well at night, remove all the dirt from your face. Exfoliate your skin at least once a week if you have the time.

Reduces the chances of acne

The two main causes of acne are clogged pores and bacterial infection. That's why the skin should be cleaned well at night. Due to which the clogged pores of the skin will open and all the dirt will be removed from the mouth, which can also cause bacterial infection. However, wearing make-up all night can lead to various skin problems, such as blackheads and blemishes.

To protect the eyelids

The eyeliner that we use on the eyes contains some chemicals that are not at all right to keep on the eyes for a long time. Keeping make-up on the eyes for a long time can irritate the eyes and lead to eye infections. So be sure to wash them thoroughly before going to bed at night.

How the skin regeneration process is inhibited

A good night's sleep is very beneficial for our skin. The reason is that at night the skin revives and dead skin cells are removed. Therefore, after a good 6 to 8 hours of sleep, our skin becomes quite refreshed. But if you go to bed at night without washing your face, there is no doubt that the healing process of the skin will be hindered.

To combat dull skin

Our skin is exposed to many things during the day. Exposure to dirt, dust, pollution, smoke and various other things can seriously damage our skin. Over time, all these make our skin look dull and tired. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the skin clean at night to remove all the unwanted and harmful from the face and bring back beautiful and glowing skin. That's why you should take care of your skin before going to bed at night without getting acne.
