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Not talking while walking, 'texting' causes more deaths!

This information is known from the results of a survey published in the journal 'Injury Prevention'

The Dhaka Times Desk Texting while walking is more likely to cause an accident than listening to music or talking on a cell phone. This information is known from the results of a survey published in the journal 'Injury Prevention'.

হাঁটাচলার মাঝে কথা বলা নয়, ‘টেক্সটিং’য়েই বেশি মৃত্যু ঘটে! 1

Texting while walking is more likely to cause an accident than listening to music or talking on a cell phone. This information is known from the results of a survey published in the journal 'Injury Prevention'.

It is said that the rate of pedestrian accidents is high because of 'texting' on 'smartphones'. The rate of getting away from the accident for a short while is also very high in this case. Researchers from the University of California in Canada conducted this survey.

They said, various apps, videos, songs, smartphones are now in everyone's hands through social media. These appendages are having a major impact on normal life. Walking on the street, even while crossing the street, people's attention is focused on smartphones. This other-mindedness is expected to create more insecurity in the future.

Around 270,000 pedestrians die worldwide every year. Which is actually one fifth of road accidents worldwide. Indiscreet behavior among pedestrians is becoming serious. One of the reasons behind this is that the number of pedestrians using smartphones is gradually increasing. Researchers chose a published report as evidence to highlight the harmful aspects of using a smartphone while walking on the road.

Data were drawn from 14 studies selected from a total of 33 studies, with a total of 872 participants. Data from the remaining 8 studies were also systematically reviewed.

The researchers looked at factors such as how long it took to start walking or crossing the road, how many opportunities they missed to cross the road safely, how long it took them to cross the road, whether they looked left and right before crossing the road, crash and narrow-survival rates, etc. .

Accident rates due to talking on mobile phones while crossing the road or while driving have increased slightly. Also increased collisions and short survival rates. However, 'text messaging' has emerged as the cause of most accidents, the survey said.

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