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The death toll exceeds a thousand: Xi Jinping visits hospitals in China

During this visit, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced to take more decisive measures to deal with the crisis of Corona virus

The Dhaka Times Desk President Xi Jinping was seen in public for the first time yesterday (Monday) after the outbreak of the corona virus in China. He visited some hospitals in Beijing and had his health checked.

মৃতের সংখ্যা হাজার ছাড়িয়েছে : চীনে হাসপাতাল পরিদর্শন করছেন শি জিনপিং 1

President Xi Jinping was seen in public for the first time yesterday (Monday) after the outbreak of the corona virus in China. He visited some hospitals in Beijing and had his health checked. The news is from international media sources.

During this visit, Chinese President Xi Jinping announced to take more decisive measures to deal with the crisis of Corona virus.

On the other hand, a team of international experts from the World Health Organization (on viruses) arrived in China on Monday night. The team is led by Bruce Aylward. He oversaw the organization's operations in 2014-2016 during the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.

Before the team arrived in Beijing, WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus warned that the presence of the virus in people who had not traveled to China was a real concern.

Meanwhile, the death toll from this deadly virus has already exceeded a thousand. Another 108 people died on Monday. Due to which the total number of dead has reached 1 thousand 16 people. This is the highest death toll in a single day since it was first detected on December 31.

Experts say that the corona virus has surpassed the Sars virus outbreak. In 2002-03, the SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) virus spread globally. At that time, 8 thousand 98 people were infected with Sars virus in 25 countries and 774 people lost their lives. In terms of the number of victims, the corona virus has already surpassed Sars.

According to the latest calculations, it can be seen that the corona virus originated from Wuhan, China has spread to 28 countries and regions. China's National Health Commission says that more than 45,000 people have been infected with the corona virus so far. Also 1 lakh 87 thousand 518 people are under observation of doctors. However, 3 thousand 281 people infected with corona virus have already returned home after being completely cured.

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