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Railway plans to buy 200 meter gauge passenger coaches : More inter-city trains are being launched

Dhaka Times Report. Bangladesh Railway plans to purchase 200 meter gauge passenger coaches soon. Railway officials said that these passenger coaches will be purchased under the suppliers' credit programme.
রেলওয়ে ২০০টি মিটারগেজ যাত্রীবাহী কোচ কেনার পরিকল্পনা : আরও আন্ত:নগর ট্রেন চালু হচ্ছে 1
Bangladesh Railways Joint Director General (Mechanical) Mohammad Shamsuzzaman said, We will call for international tenders for the purchase of meter gauge passenger coaches under the suppliers credit program or tenderers financing measures.

He also said that after the purchase of passenger meters, Bangladesh Railways will be able to transport more passengers by running more inter-city trains on different routes. Shamsuzzaman said, these coaches will be taken from any country except India. Because India has already stopped manufacturing meter gauge coaches, he mentioned.

In response to a question regarding the price of coaches, Railways Director General Jagam said that the price of each coach will depend on the interest of the parties participating in the tender. However, he said that the party offering the lowest price in the tender will be given priority in giving the work.

The Joint Director General also said that Bangladesh Railway has already sent a letter to the higher authorities for the green signal regarding the purchase of these 200 coaches for the meter gauge line. He also said that a proposal has been submitted for the speedy purchase of 220 tank wagon flat containers and 10 sets of meter gauge diesel electric multiple units in addition to meter gauge coaches from the headquarters of Bangladesh Railways.

Also Bangladesh Railway has signed several agreements with Indian companies. These agreements were signed under India's USD 1 billion loan to Bangladesh. These contracts include the purchase of 81 meter gauge well tankers, 3 brake vans, 180 broad gauge tank wagons, 6 compartment brake vans and 10 diesel engines.

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