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A new virus has appeared in Brazil!

Scientists named this new virus 'Yara virus brasiliensis' or 'Yara virus'.

The Dhaka Times Desk When the situation in China is raging due to corona virus, Brazilian scientists discovered a new type of virus. It is made up of completely uncharacterized genes, 90 percent of which are still unknown to scientists.

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The important documents found so far do not say anything about this virus. News from RT News.

Scientists named this new virus 'Yara virus brasiliensis' or 'Yara virus'. The virus is named after a Brazilian mythological god.

Scientists discovered this new species of virus from Lake Pampulha in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Recently researchers have discovered more viruses of different species. One species of which has been named giant virus.

However, scientists gave such a name not because of the destructive work of the human body, but because of the relatively large protein shell. The genome (arrangement or design of genetic characteristics) of this giant virus is complex in nature. Their genetic characteristics are beyond the understanding of scientists, nor are they like normal viruses.

Scientists say, this virus is capable of reconstructing or duplicating its own DNA. But the newly discovered Yara virus is completely different from the giant virus.

This research paper was recently published on the Open Access Bio-Archive website for biology. Scientists have given an idea about the new virus there.

The research team also said that this new virus is completely different from the common amoeba virus. However, some Yara viruses can also resemble giant viruses. The origin of this species of virus is still unknown.

Jonatas Abraham, a virologist at the Federal University of Brazil, also said that, 'The results of testing this virus tell us that we don't know how much longer we have to wait to find out about this virus!'

He and his colleagues are currently researching the new virus as well as other characteristics of the novel coronavirus that has recently become a pandemic.

China's National Health Commission said yesterday (Tuesday) that at least 2,478 new cases of corona virus have been reported in the country's mainland as of Monday midnight.

However, scientists are still in conflict when it comes to the new Yara virus discovered in Brazil. The world's concern has increased as if it is deadly like Corona.

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