The Dhaka Times
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A terrible lake story!

It started during the Second World War

The Dhaka Times Desk There are many lakes in the world. We have heard many stories of those lakes. But today there is a terrible lake story for you! In fact, it started during the Second World War. It is said that at that time a US warplane made an emergency landing near the lake. Other troops also witnessed this landing from the nearby battlefield. But to everyone's surprise, the plane and the pilot disappeared. This story is about a mysterious lake in Pangsau, a village surrounded by dense forest in Arunachal Pradesh near the India-Myanmar border.

এক ভয়ঙ্কর হ্রদের গল্প! 1

There are many lakes in the world. We have heard many stories of those lakes. But today there is a terrible lake story for you! In fact, it started during the Second World War. It is said that at that time a US warplane made an emergency landing near the lake. Other troops also witnessed this landing from the nearby battlefield. But to everyone's surprise, the plane and the pilot disappeared. This story is about a mysterious lake in Pangsau, a village surrounded by dense forest in Arunachal Pradesh near the India-Myanmar border.

It is claimed that one who approaches this lake never returns. That is, the closer you get to the lake, the lower your heart rate will be. You will slowly fall into the lap of death. That is why the lake is called 'Lake of No Return' or what can be called in Bengali, Lake of No Return. The 1.2 square kilometer lake has remained a mystery for nearly a century. Naturally, the web of mystery has already crossed the boundaries of the country beyond the boundaries of the village. Gradually the lake became known as an ominous and deadly lake.

Once this story quickly spread around. Then another story thickens the mystery. A group of returning Japanese soldiers lost their way and appeared on the shores of this lake. As before they also disappear. This story does not take time to spread around the world. Since then no one dares to go to the three borders of that lake out of fear. Although at that time the place was full of dense forest. The forest has now been largely cleared. Only today it is not clear what exactly is the cause of this mystery.

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