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Here are some home remedies to darken mature hair

Hair becomes ripe at a young age. What do you do when there is such a problem?

The Dhaka Times Desk Many times it is seen that the hair becomes ripe without age, that is, at a young age. What do you do when there is such a problem? Today, know some home remedies to blacken mature hair.

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Many times it is seen that the hair becomes ripe without age, that is, at a young age. What do you do when there is such a problem? Today, know some home remedies to blacken mature hair.

Many people get gray hair at a young age. It is normal to look a little older than others when the hair on the head matures. So many people are worried about their hair. But there is nothing to be upset or worried about this matter. You can normalize those gray hairs if you want by implementing a few home remedies.

Hair loss at a young age is mainly due to genetics. In addition, due to many factors including excessive stress in modern lifestyle, environmental pollution, excess fast food in the diet, hair can turn gray at an early age. Take a look at the ways to darken mature hair:

# Curry leaves are very beneficial for hair. Rich in 'Vitamin A', 'Vitamin E', calcium, copper, copper, curry leaves prevent premature aging.

How to use

Mix curry leaves in coconut oil and boil well. Now cool the mixture and apply it to the roots of the hair. Then wash your hair with a mild shampoo. You can use this mixture two to three days a week.

Mix # black coffee with hot water. Once the mixture cools down, apply it on your hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and wash your hair thoroughly with cold water and shampoo.

Amalaki is very beneficial for hair

How to use

Mix amla powder with coconut oil and heat it. Then strain it and apply it from the root to the tip of the hair. Keep it on your head overnight. Then wash your hair in warm water in the morning.

Onion is also beneficial in preventing premature graying of hair

How to use

Apply the onion juice on the roots of the hair and wait for half an hour. Then wash your hair thoroughly with warm water.

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