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Microsoft has removed the security update

The update was pulled after it was found that users were experiencing various problems on their PCs

The Dhaka Times Desk Microsoft removed the new security update for Windows 10. The update was pulled after it was found that users were experiencing various problems on their PCs.

মাইক্রোসফট নিরাপত্তা আপডেট সরালো 1

Microsoft removed the new security update for Windows 10. The update was pulled after it was found that users were experiencing various problems on their PCs.

Microsoft said that those who have successfully installed the update on their PC, have nothing to worry about. However, if for some reason the update causes problems, you need to select 'View your update history' by writing 'Update history' in the Windows 10 search box. From there you need to click on 'Uninstall Updates'. In the dialog box that comes up, look for 'KB4524244' under the Microsoft Windows heading, even if it is uninstalled.

The company said that it is working with partners to develop an improved version of the update and that version will be released as a future update. The security update named 'KB4524244' was released on February 11. This update is delivered to all Windows 10 through the Windows Update feature.

According to tech site ZDnet, many users are facing problems while installing the update. Many reported that the 'push button restart' or 'reset this PC' feature did not work. Many users complained about the issue on the Microsoft support forum and Reddit.

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