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Mustard oil can make mature hair black!

These days many people are seen with gray hair peeking out from the hairline. Even if you tie the black hair in different ways, you cannot cover the mature hair

The Dhaka Times Desk Even though it is not the age of hair growth, many people nowadays are seen with gray hair peeking out from the gaps in their hair. Even if you tie the black hair in different ways, you cannot cover the mature hair. Combing the hair in various ways does not work. Today let's take how mustard oil can blacken mature hair!

সরিষার তেল পাকা চুল কালো করতে পারে! 1

Even though it is not the age of hair growth, many people nowadays are seen with gray hair peeking out from the gaps in their hair. Even if you tie the black hair in different ways, you cannot cover the mature hair. Combing the hair in various ways does not work. Today let's take how mustard oil can blacken mature hair!

Due to environmental pollution, diet, excessive stress and uncontrolled lifestyle, anyone's hair can turn gray at an early age. Many people worry about getting hair before such age. But don't understand how to get black hair and regain peace.

Many people dye their hair at home on weekends. However, if you want to dye your hair, you must be careful. Using chemical products available in the market can cause more damage to the hair.

So rely on natural ingredients to get black shiny, healthy hair. You can blacken mature hair at home.

And one of these home remedies is oil i.e. mustard oil. Which you will get at your fingertips.

Let's find out how mustard oil darkens hair:

Why do you use mustard oil?

Mustard oil is generally rich in antioxidants. By using it, hair roots are strengthened and hair health is also good.

Mustard oil contains natural fatty acids that are very beneficial for hair follicles and hair. Mustard oil is also a friend of hair to prevent germs and infections. Mustard oil can also be used for faster hair growth.

How to use mustard oil

Mix 1 cup of coconut oil, 2 cups of mustard oil, half cup of fenugreek powder and keep it for a week. Apply this oil twice a week and leave it for an hour and then shampoo. You will feel the difference in just one month of use.

In addition, food should also be given importance for making hair black. Nuts, milk, eggs, fish and green vegetables should be eaten regularly to keep hair healthy.

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