Categories: entertainment

Film 'Amar Ma' gets censor clearance

The Dhaka Times Desk DA Taib-Bobby starrer 'Amar Ma' has received uncut censor clearance. The film is directed by Shahriar Nazim Joy.

DA Taib-Bobby starrer 'Amar Ma' has received uncut censor clearance. The film is directed by Shahriar Nazim Joy.

D A Taib-Bobby starrer 'Amar Ma' has been cleared for release. On February 24, Shahriar Nazim Joy's story, screenplay and direction movie got censor clearance without any cut. The manufacturer himself said this.

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7 times National Film Award winning actress Anwara Begum played the title role in this film. Produced by SG Productions, the film revolves around a pregnant mother.

Mahbooba Shahreen, chairman of the production company, told the media that the film 'Amar Ma' will be released soon. He said, 'The movie will touch the hearts of the audience not only in the country but worldwide. The reason is that the story revolves around a compassionate mother.

Tamannaah, Sohail Khan, Homaira Himu, Zahid Hossain Shovan, Kalyan Koraiya, Sweet, Jahan M Rahman, Mukul Chowdhury, Sharif Sarwar, puppeteer Tuntuni and several officials of Bangladesh Police also acted in various roles in this film.

This post was last modified on মার্চ ১, ২০২০ 12:29 pm

Staff reporter

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