Categories: Picturesque

The robot is delivering food to Chinese hotel inmates! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk He is stuck wherever he is in China due to the fear of the deadly corona virus. Many people are stuck in hotels. They are unable to leave the hotel room. The robot is delivering food to Chinese hotel inmates!

রোবট পৌঁছে দিচ্ছে চীনের হোটেলবন্দিদের খাবার! [ভিডিও] 1রোবট পৌঁছে দিচ্ছে চীনের হোটেলবন্দিদের খাবার! [ভিডিও] 1

China is taking the help of technology in the fear of deadly corona virus. The robot is delivering food to every room of the hotel. Its video has spread on social media.

The viral video is of a residential hotel in Hangzhou, China. It shows a small robot reaching the front of each room with layers of food. Then loudly announcing, 'Hello. Sweet Little Peanut (the name of the robot) has arrived with your food, collect the food. Press the finish button when the collection is done.'

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After collecting the food, as soon as the finish button is pressed, the peanut robot again says, 'Enjoy the food, if you need anything, inform the hotel staff on UChat.' After all the process of delivering the food to one room of the hotel is completed, the robot again leaves for the other room.

According to a report in Anandabazar newspaper, this video is from the month of January. On January 27 and 28, 335 passengers of a plane that arrived in Hangzhou were kept under observation in that hotel. Because two passengers of that plane which reached Honzhou from Singapore were diagnosed with corona virus infection. Then all the passengers of the plane were kept separately for two days in that hotel for observation.

This is not the first time, China has been using technology to prevent the spread of Corona virus. Robots are also delivering medical equipment to various hospitals. Robots have even been put on the streets. One such robot has also been deployed in a market area in Guangzhou. If someone does not wear a mask, the robot is scolding him!

Not just robots, some Chinese tech companies have developed a special type of mobile app. This will allow users to know whether the plane or train they are boarding is carrying a virus-infected patient.

Despite this, China could not prevent the attack of the corona virus. The number of dead and infected people is increasing by leaps and bounds every day.

Watch the video

This post was last modified on মার্চ ৩, ২০২০ 12:41 pm

Staff reporter

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