The Dhaka Times
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Musharraf Karim's biryani shop in Old Dhaka

Serial Drama 'Chan Biryani'

The Dhaka Times Desk Two families from a neighborhood in Old Dhaka's Lalbagh area. They are Mia and King Mia. They are about cousins. But one cannot tolerate the other at all. Tara Mia is the owner of the popular Chan Biryani. Right opposite his shop, Badsha Mia has launched New Chan Biryani!

মোশাররফ করিমের পুরান ঢাকায় বিরিয়ানির দোকান 1

The competition between the two stores goes on all the time. Meanwhile, the king's sister Hosne Ara likes Tara Mia. They meet Mia in various ways. Tara Miao likes him very much. The mother of the two has regular quarrels.

Meanwhile, they put the mastan behind Mia. Always try to find out how to attack him. The serial drama 'Chan Biryani' was created in such a story of funny incidents and conflicts.

Today's popular actor Musharram Karim will be seen as a biryani shopkeeper in this drama. She acted as Tara Mia. And opposite to him, popular actress Sadia Jahan Prabha will be seen in the role of Hosne Ara. On the other hand, Arfan is in the role of Badsha. Also starring Tanya Barshi, Saju Khadem, Robena Jui, Abul Hayat, Shilpi Sarkar Apu, Monira Mithu and many more.

This new series has been aired on Machranga television from March 8. Written by Rizwan Khan and directed by Qaiser Ahmed, the drama 'Chan Biryani' will be aired every Sunday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 8:30 PM.

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